Japan Zentrum

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Vorträge, Panel-Teilnahmen, etc.



Japans Demokratie und der demographische Wandel [Japan’s democracy and the demographic transition]. At: Tagung: Das demokratische Asien: Japan und seine Nachbarn im Kontext internationaler Politik [Symposium: Democratic Asia: Japan and its neighbors in the context of international politics], 2024/11/23, Academy for Political Education (APB Tutzing), Tutzing/Germany


All Quiet on the Eastern Front – Why is Japan’s Democratic Backsliding Invisible to the West? (by Koichi Nakano and comments by Yosuke Buchmeier and Jane Khanizadeh). At: Special Lecture Series on Japanese Politics, 2023/12/20, LMU Munich, Munich/Germany.

Panel participation on the topic News neglect, censorship and agenda cutting around the globe: An international roundtable at the Union for Democratic Communications (UDC) 2023 Conference, 2023/10/12-15, Media, Inequality, and Change (MIC) Center, a collaboration between the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication and Rutger University’s School of Communication and Information, Philadelphia/USA.

Democratic challenges in the face of demographic aging: evidence from Japan. At: 17th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 2023/08/18, Ghent University, Ghent/Belgium.

Das japanische Inselreich aus geographischer und kulturpolitischer Perspektive. At: Tagung: Großräume Asien und Pazifik, 2023/06/21, Academy for political education (APB Tutzing), Tutzing/Germany.

Reality Representation on NHK Television News: Change, Continuities, and New Ways of Legitimizing the Social Order. At: Research Colloquium, 2023/06/15, Japan Center, LMU Munich, Munich/Germany, https://www.japan.uni-muenchen.de/veranstaltungen/abstracts_kolloquium_sose_2023/abstract_buchmeier/index.html

The Theory and Practice of Media Governance in Japan. At: LMU Workshop: Governance in Japan, organized by Celeste Arrington and Gabriele Vogt, 2023/06/13, Internationales Begegnungszentrum (IBZ), Munich/Germany, https://www.japan.uni-muenchen.de/veranstaltungen/workshop_governance_japan/abstract_buchmeier/index.html

Moderation of panel discussion “Countryside Democracy in Japan and Germany: Trends in Political Participation” as part of the panel series “The Future of Democracy”, organized by the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) and German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) Tokyo, 2023/05/11, Berlin/Germany, https://jdzb.de/en/mediacenter/news/round-countryside-democracy-japan-and-germany-trends-political-participation-1105


Bracing for “Silver Democracy”: Demographic Transition Effects on Democratic Systems. At: 2nd EAJS Publication Workshop, 2022/10/07, University of Zürich, Zürich/Switzerland.

Panel participation on the topic Between agenda cutting and wilful omission – Is journalism threatened by its own limits? at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, 2022/06/21, World Conference Center, Bonn/Germany, https://gmf-event.com/program-details/182/

(with Michel Hohendanner und Chiara Ullstein) Cross-cultural perspectives on technology-driven future societies through the lens of collaborative speculative design. At: Artificial Intelligence and the Human. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction. A Japanese-German Conference, 2022/05/13, Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), Berlin/Germany.


Panel Convenor with Anna Wiemann: Competing for the Frame: How Mainstream Media, Political Players and Social Movements Contend for Interpretative Hegemony in Post-Fukushima Japan. At: 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 2021/08/25, digital conference.

Cutting the agenda does not cut the risk: How NHK is containing the Post-Fukushima discourse. At: 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 2020/08/25, digital conference.


Politics, Media Discourse and Public Finance: What Japan’s National Debt Reveals about the State of its Democracy. At: VSJF Section Group Meeting, Section Politics, 2020/11/21, digital conference.

Agenda-Cutting in Media News Coverage of Covid-19: A Case Study from Japan. At: Social Science Study Group, 2020/10/20, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo/Japan

Shaping Public Discourse in Japan - The Construction of Reality on NHK Television News. At: Shaken PhD Workshop, 2020/07/03, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo/Japan.


Wenn Wirklichkeit „zurechtgeschnitten“ wird: Agenda Cutting in der Nachrichtenberichterstattung von Japans öffentlich-rechtlichem Rundfunk NHK. At: Colloquium for PhD Candidates, 2019/12/19, Japan Center, LMU Munich, Munich/Germany.

Shaping Public Discourse in Japan - The Construction of Reality on NHK Television News. At: 15th EAJS PhD Workshop, 2019/08/22, University College Cork, Cork/Ireland.

In den Medien


Interview with funk/MDR (German public service media) for social media feature on upskirting in Japan, https://www.tiktok.com/@fakecheck_offiziell/video/7379978816510283041?lang=en

Interview with Wall Street Journal (Timothy W. Martin) for “Older Voters Are Taking Over in the World’s Wealthy Democracies” in Wall Street Journal, 2024/04/09, https://www.wsj.com/world/asia/older-voters-are-taking-over-in-the-worlds-wealthy-democracies-3f913547


Interview with Project Censored for interview series “Decoding Democracy: Exploring Media Literacy Education, Independent Journalism, and Civic Engagement” at the UDC 2023 Conference at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication, 2023/10/14, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vMVKpY0sqo


Interview with European Journalism Observatory (Bjarne Overkott) for “The enduring press freedom challenge: how Japan’s exclusive press clubs are ‘holding media hostage’” in EJO Online, 2022/09/26, https://en.ejo.ch/media-politics/press-freedom/the-enduring-press-freedom-challenge-how-japans-exclusive-press-clubs-are-holding-media-hostage

Interview with European Journalism Observatory (Bjarne Overkott) for “Kisha Clubs: Japans Medien in Geiselhaft?” in EJO Online, 2022/08/09, https://de.ejo-online.eu/pressefreiheit/kisha-clubs-japans-medien-in-geiselhaft

Interview with ARD Tokyo (Kathrin Erdmann) for “Immer alles super: Wie der öffentliche Rundfunk Japans Olympia 2020 coverte“ in Deutschlandfunk, 2022/07/25, https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/wie-der-oeffentliche-rundfunk-japans-olympia-2020-coverte-dlf-acc2b2fd-100.html

Work quoted in David McElhinney: “Japan’s Uneasy Relationship With Press Freedom” in Tokyo Weekender, 2022/07/21, https://www.tokyoweekender.com/2022/07/japan-press-freedom-index/


Interview (part 2) on anti-Asian racism in public service media by Asian Germany, social media forum for the East- and Southeast Asian (ESEA) communities in Germany, 2021/03/22, https://www.instagram.com/p/CMt9ACTnBYp/

Interview (part 1) on anti-Asian racism and multiculturalism by Asian Germany, social media forum for the East- and Southeast Asian (ESEA) communities in Germany, 2021/03/21, https://www.instagram.com/p/CMr6-QuHAKV/

Interview on anti-Asian racism by funk, young content network of German public service broadcasting ARD & ZDF, 2021/03/03, Munich/Germany, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhxikHGHnpY


Interview with Wired (Laurie Clarke) for “How anime hit Weathering with You nails Japan's climate crisis apathy” in Wired, 2020/01/28, https://www.wired.co.uk/article/weathering-with-you-climate-apathy


Quoted in Sakari Mesimäki: “Where are Japan’s climate strikers?” in Tokyo Review, 2019/12/18, https://www.tokyoreview.net/2019/12/japan-climate-strike/

• Social Media: https://twitter.com/yosukebuchmeier