Japan Zentrum

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Liberal Democracies under Demographic Pressure: Insights from Germany and Japan (Jointly organized symposium in the JDZB series “The Future of Democracy”). At: Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), 2024/05/14-16, Berlin.

Japan in International Relations (organizer of public lecture series), LMU Japan Center, spring term 2024, hybrid.


Special Events on Japanese Politics (Joint organization of panel discussions, guest lectures, and poster exhibition by Anne-Sophie König, Antonia Vesting and Gabriele Vogt, LMU), 2023/12/18-20, Munich

Joint FU/LMU Doctoral Workshop on Japanese Politics (Joint organization by Anne-Sophie König, Antonia Vesting and Gabriele Vogt, LMU), 2023/12/18-20, Munich

Governance in Japan (Joint organization of an international workshop by Celeste Arrington, George Washington University, and Gabriele Vogt, LMU), 2023/06/13, Munich


Deviance and Norms in Times of Change in Japan, At: VSJF (Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung) Annual Meeting 2022 (Co-Organizer w/ David Chiavacci), 2022/11/18-20, Zurich/Switzerland.

Politics and Culture in Contemporary Okinawa (Co-Organizer of an International Symposium with Ina Hein, University of Vienna), 2022/07/07, Online.


Japan and International Migration: Recent Developments, Emerging Dynamics (Organisation einer offenen Vortragsreihe), Japan-Zentrum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, spring and fall terms 2021, Zoom.


Nachbilder. Wechselnde Perspektiven auf Hiroshima / Afterimages. Shifting Perspectives on Hiroshima. (Co-Organizer of special exhibition w/ David Rojkowski, Sabine Bamberger-Stemmann), 2020/07/28-08/23, Mahnmal St. Nikolai, Hamburg.


Diversity in Japan: The Case of Okinawa in Interdisciplinary Perspective. At: Japanese Studies Association of Australia (Organizer of a panel including the following speakers: Yoko Fujita, Ina Hein, Ken Hijino, Masayuki Ōnishi, Nana Tōyama and Gabriele Vogt), 2019/07/01-04, Melbourne/Australia.

Long-Term Care in Dialogue: Best Practice from Japan and Germany (Organizer of an International Symposium in Cooperation with the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) and Hamburg Innovation GmbH), 2019/05/28, Hamburg.


Japan’s Security Callenge: The Nation, Its People and Values. (Organisation einer Ringvorlesung), Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg in Kooperation mit der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Hamburg, Wintersemester 2018/19, Hamburg.

International Migration of Health-Care Professionals in the Asia-Pacific Region. At: IPSA/AISP 25th World Congress of Political Science (Organizer of a panel including the following speakers/commentators: Atsuko Abe, David Arase, Wako Asato, Dominic Diocera, Lesleyanne Hawthorne, Reiko Ogawa, and Gabriele Vogt), 2018/07/21-25, Brisbane/Australia.


Reforming Democracy and Social Inclusion: Subnational and Supranational Approaches in Japan and Germany (Session-Organizer at joint symposium of the University of Hamburg and Kyōto University), 2017/06/07-09, Hamburg.

Politischer Protest und Gesellschaftliches Engagement in Japan. (Organisation einer Ringvorlesung), Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg in Kooperation mit der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg, Sommersemester 2017, Hamburg.


市民が創る新しい未来・Civic Engagement Towards a New Future. (Co-Organizer w/ Reiko Ogawa, Matthew Augustine, Andrea Germer, Simon A. Avenell, Phoebe S. Holdgrün), 2016/10/10, Fukuoka/Japan.

How Japan Works: Risks and Opportunities of a Diversifying Labor Market, International Workshop kicking-off a DAAD funded research and teaching project conducted in cooperation with Waseda University (Diversification of Japan’s Labor Market: Risks and Opportunities in a Multidisciplinary and Comparative Perspective), 2016/07/18-21, Hamburg.

Social movements and identity struggles in Okinawa. At: AAS-in-ASIA (Organizer of a panel with papers by Ryan Yokota, University of Chicago, Ayako Takamori, Muhlenberg College, Daniel Broudy, Okinawa Christian University, and Gabriele Vogt, Hamburg University, and comments by Miyume Tanji, Australian National University), 2016/06/24-27, Kyoto/Japan.


Sektion Politik (Section Co-Organizer and Co-Convener w/ Steffen Heinrich). At: 16. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, 2015/08/26-29, München.


Migration and Intimate Care in Japan. At: Inaugural EAJS Conference in Japan (Organizer of a panel with papers by Junichi Akashi, Tsukuba University, Wako Asato, Kyoto University, Beata Switek, University College London, and Gabriele Vogt, Hamburg University, and comments by Glenda Roberts, Waseda University), 2013/09/28-29, Kyoto/Japan.


International Migration of Highly Skilled Workers to Japan and Germany. Current Models and Future Outlooks (Organization of a two-day international symposium, University of Hamburg, program: ), 2011/12/15-16, Hamburg.

Modernisierungsprozesse in Japan. (Organisation einer Ringvorlesung), Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg Sommersemester 2011, Hamburg.

Auftaktveranstaltung der HRK Japan-Wochen. (Co-Organisation mit Phoebe Holdgrün und Jörg Quenzer eines dreitägigen internationalen Symposiums, Programm: http://www.aai.uni-hamburg.de/japanwochen/Programm.html), Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg 2011/04/12-14, Hamburg.


Interkulturelle Kompetenz in Pflegeberufen: Zukunftsperspektiven im internationalen Vergleich (Organizer of an international workshop with papers by Thomas Eich, Univeristy of Hamburg, Bernd Meyer, Kyoko Shinozaki [both Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz], and Gabriele Vogt, University of Hamburg, and comments by Sabine Sütterlin, independent researcher, program: 2010/12/15, Hamburg.

Zuwanderung nach Japan. Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, politischer Diskurs und sozioökonomische Integration (Co-Organizer with Ruth Achenbach and Jeannette Behaghel of a student workshop including a movie screening of Sour Strawberries – Japan’s hidden guestworkers), 2010/11/12, Hamburg.


How Japan Works: Patterns of Diversification in the Labor Market. At: 13th Asian Studies Conference Japan (Organizer of a panel with Volker Elis, Carola Hommerich and Florian Kohlbacher [all DIJ Tokyo], Masato Oka, Yokohama City University and Yukiko Yamazaki, Tokyo University), 2009/06/20-21, Tokyo/Japan.

Dancing in the Dark: Multilevel Governance in Japan. At: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting (Organizer of a panel with papers by Andrew DeWit, Rikkyō University, Linda C. Hasunuma, UCLA, Sherry L. Martin, Cornell University, Hiroko Takeda, Sheffield University, and Gabriele Vogt, DIJ, and comments by Jun Saito, Yale University and Sheila Smith, Council on Foreign Relations), 2009/03/26-29, Chicago, IL/USA.

International Migration in Global Governance: A Japanese Perspective. (Organizer of an international workshop with papers by Takashi Kibe, International Christian University, Stephen Nagy, Waseda University, Midori Okabe, Sophia University, and Apichai Shipper, University of Southern California LA, and comments by Martin Pohl, German Embassy Tokyo and Glenda S. Roberts, Waseda University, program: https://www.dijtokyo.org/event/international-migration-in-global-governance-a-japanese-perspective/), 2009/01/20, Tokyo/Japan.


Migration and Integration – Japan in Comparative Perspective. 移住と統合。日本と他国の比較について。(Co-Organizer with Glenda S. Roberts of a two-day international symposium, German Institute for Japanese Studies and Waseda University Graduate School for Asia Pacific Studies, program: https://www.dijtokyo.org/publication/migration-and-integration-japan-in-comparative-perspective/), 2009/10/23-24, Tokyo/Japan.

Labor Migration to Japan: Demography and the Sense of Crisis. At: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting (Organizer of a panel with papers by Atsuko Abe, Obirin University, Deborah J. Milly, Virginia Polytech Institute and State University, Ryoko Yamamoto, University of Hawai’i at Manoa and Gabriele Vogt, DIJ, and comments by Glenda S. Roberts, Waseda University), 2007/03/22-25, Boston, MA/USA.


Democratic Governance and Demographic Change in Japan. At: International Political Science Association, 20th World Congress (Organizer of a panel with papers by Volker Elis, Annette Schad-Seifert and Gabriele Vogt [all DIJ] and comments by Patricia Boling, Purdue University), 2006/07/09, Fukuoka/Japan.

Japan’s New Face – International and Intercultural. At: Cultural Typhoon 2006 (Organizer of a panel with papers by Peter Backhaus, DIJ, Andrew Horvat, independent researcher, and Gabriele Vogt, DIJ), 2006/07/01, Tokyo/Japan.


Romantic Ryūkyū in Okinawan Politics. At: European Association for Japanese Studies, 11th Conference (Organizer of a panel with papers by Nicole Altmeier, Tübingen University, Rosa Caroli, University of Venice, and Gabriele Vogt, DIJ, and comments by Gregory Smits, Pennsylvania State University), University of Vienna, 2005/08/31-2005/09/03, Vienna/Austria.