Japan Zentrum

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[with: Kramer, Paul J.]: Covid-19 and the Gastronomy Industry in Japan: Social Practices of Crisis Management. At: GSI Comparative Political Science Research Group, 2024/06/19, LMU.

Reform Initiatives in Health-Care Migration to Japan: A Discussion of Their Political Dimensions. At: “Japan in International Relations” (lecture series), 2024/06/12, LMU.

[with: Kramer, Paul J.]: Denunciation and the Mitigation of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Japan. At: “Denunciation – Creating a Culture of Fear” (international symposium), 2024/06/08, University of Tartu / Estonia.

Ways Forward for Super-Aging Democracies (chair to podium discussion w/ Masahisa Endo / Waseda Univ., Steffen Heinrich / FU Berlin, Claudia Neu / Georg-August-Univ. Göttingen, Toru Yoshida / Doshisha Univ., Naoko Taniguchi / Keio Univ.). At: “Liberal Democracies under Demographic Pressure: Insights from Germany and Japan”, 2024/05/16, JDZB Berlin.

Greetings. At: “Liberal Democracies under Demographic Pressure: Insights from Germany and Japan”, 2024/05/14, JDZB Berlin.


Reform Initiatives in Health-Care Migration to Japan: A Discussion of Their Political Dimensions. At: Groupe d’études sur le politique au Japon, 2023/11/30, Online.

Japan’s Failed Nation Building: Okinawa, 1972–2022. At: East Asia Seminar Series Michaelmas 2023 at University of Cambridge, 2023/10/30, Cambridge/UK.

Enjoying a Longer Life in Germany and Japan (roundtable discussion with Leo Sakaguchi, Clemens Tesch-Römer, Gabriele Vogt, Chika Yamamoto). At: 15th German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum 2020-2023 Alumni Conference on “Aging Societies”, 2023/09/29, Berlin.

International Health Workers in Japan. At: 15th German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum 2020-2023 “Designing a Prosperous Aging Society: The Perspective of the Young”, 2023/09/26, Berlin.

The Yanbaru Model of Community Stores: A Case of “Third Place” Local Governance. At: Governance in Japan, LMU-Workshop, 2023/06/13, Munich.

Zur Zukunft der Demokratie III: „Demokratie auf dem Land: Trends politischer Partizipation in den Regionen“ (roundtable discussion with Yosuke Buchmeier, Petra Hahn, Hannes Hasenpatt, Eri Ōtsu, Sebastian Polak-Rottmann, Shunsuke Takeda). At: JDZB/DIJ, 2023/05/11, Online.

Wie bewältigen Japan und Deutschland den demographischen Wandel? Ein Zwischenstand 2023 (roundtable discussion with Christine Hieb, Shingo Shimada, Hildegard Theobald). At: JDZB, 2023/04/20, Berlin.


Japan nach Abe: Wohin steuert Tokyo? (roundtable discussion with Takeshi Kawasaki). At: Polis180 / Spotlight Asia Live, 2022/08/24, Online.

Bevölkerungsentwicklung und Altenpflege in Japan: Zukunftsstrategien zwischen Robotik, Zuwanderung und Aktivierung. At: Spektrum der Wissenschaften (LMU Zentrum Seniorenstudium), 2022/05/18, München.

Japan’s Failed Nation Building: Okinawa, 1972–2022. At: Nissan Seminar (Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies / Oxford School of Global and Area Studies), 2022/05/06, Oxford/UK.

Vielfältiges Japan: Intensivierung der Wissenschaftskooperationen (panel discussion). At: Indo-Pazifik im Fokus: Neue Chancen für Wissenschaftskooperationen (DAAD KIWi Connect), 2022/04/28, Online.

Robotik und Informationstechnologie in Japans Altenpflege. At: LMU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, 2022/02/17, Online.

Crisis Narratives, Institutional Change, and the Transformation of the Japanese State (roundtable discussion with David Chiavacci, Sebastian Maslow, Paul O’Shea, Hiroko Takeda, Christian Wirth). At: GIGA Hamburg, 2022/02/17, Online.


Populism in Regional Japan: Where is the “Revenge of the Places That Don’t Matter”? (Commentator to two panels with papers by Axel Klein, Andreas Eder-Ramsauer, Kostiantyn Ovsiannikov, Hanno Jentzsch and Ken V. L. Hijino). At: Universität Wien, 2021/12/17-18, Online.

COVID-19 and the Revival of Japan’s “Closed Country” Strategy. At: The Politics of Sanitizing Space and (Im)Mobility, City University of Hong Kong and Queen Mary University of London, 2021/11/05-06, Online.

COVID-19 and the Future of Labor Mobility and Health in Asia (panel discussion). At: The Future of Transnational Migrant Labor and Global Health Governance in Asia, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Japan, 2021/11/04, Online.

Author meets critiques: Immigrant Japan, by Gracia Liu-Farrer (panel discussion), At: European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 16th Conference, 2021/08/28, Online.

Publishing in peer reviewed journals (panel discussion), At: European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 16th Conference, 2021/08/25, Online.

Local Self-Governance and Alternative Economy in Okinawa/Japan: A Case Study from Oku. IPSA/AISP 26th World Congress of Political Science (RC05 Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics), 2021/07/10-15, Online.

Robotik und Technologie in Japans Altenpflege. (with: König, Anne-Sophie L.) At: Universität Heidelberg, 2021/06/30, Online.

Politik und Gesellschaft Japans: Strukturen und Dynamiken. At: Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing, 2021/04/26, Online.

Local Governance in Okinawa: A Case Study from Oku. At: u:japan lectures der Universität Wien, 2021/04/15, Online.

Managing Migration in Japan: Short-term Labour, Tourists, and International Students (Commentator to a panel with papers by Glenda S. Roberts and Noriko Fujita, Ryoko Yamamoto, Nora Kottmann, Nathaniel M. Smith). At: Association for Asian Studies Virtual Annual Conference, 2021/03/22, Online.


How to ask: Research questions. At: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Japan-Zentrum, Forschungskolloquium mit Nora Kottmann, Cornelia Reiher und Anna Wiemann, 2020/12/17, Online.

Hiroshima. Heimat. At: Mahnmal St. Nikolai, 2020/08/06, Hamburg.

Das Ringen um Demokratie auf lokaler Ebene: Beispiele aus Okinawa. At: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Japan-Zentrum, Forschungskolloquium, 2020/01/16, München.


Challenging US/Japan Burden-Sharing from the Bottom Up: The Anti-Nuclear Citizen’s Movement in Okinawa. At: 3rd Burden-Sharing Workshop, 2019/10/14, Kyoto/Japan.

[with: Hijino, Ken] Identity Politics in Okinawan Elections: The Emergence of Regional Populism. At: Waseda University PhD Seminar, 2019/10/08, Tokyo/Japan.

[with: Hijino, Ken] Identity Politics in Okinawan Elections: The Emergence of Regional Populism. At: Japanese Studies Association of Australia 2019 Meeting at Monash University, 2018/07/02, Melbourne/Australia.

[with: König, Anne-Sophie und Schröder, Anna-Lea] Robotics and Technology in Japanese Long-Term Care. At: The Digital Challenge in Japan and Germany in Comparison (30. Jahrestagung der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaften e.V.), 2019/06/19, Hamburg.

Greetings. At: Long-Term Care in Dialogue: Best Practice from Japan and Germany, 2019/05/28, Hamburg.

Das Ringen um Demokratie auf lokaler Ebene: Beispiele aus Okinawa. At: Universität Wien, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Gastvortrag, 2019/05/02, Wien/Austria.


Das Erbe der Meiji-Restauration und Liberale Demokratie: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität (Participant to a Roundtable w/ Gesine Foljanty-Jost, Seigo Hirowatari, Kaoru Iokibe und Shin Sato). At: Das Erbe der Meiji-Restauration. Wege zur liberalen Demokratie 1868–2018, 2018/12/14, Halle an der Saale.

Das Ringen um Demokratie auf lokaler Ebene: Beispiele aus Okinawa. At: Das Erbe der Meiji-Restauration. Wege zur liberalen Demokratie 1868–2018, 2018/12/14, Halle an der Saale.

When Politics Gets in The Way: Japan, Southeast Asia and the Institutionalization of Borders to Labor Migration. At: Sociology: Care and Migration (The 2nd Kyoto University – Universität Hamburg Symposium), 2018/10/10, Kyoto/Japan.

Die Gouverneurswahl in Okinawa 2018: Eine politische Diskussion im Kontext von Tagespolitik und Identitätsfragen. At: OAG. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, 2018/10/04, Tokyo/Japan.

[with: Hijino, Ken] Identitätspolitik in den Gouverneurswahlen von Okinawa: Das Aufkommen eines regionalen Populismus. At: 17. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, 2018/08/30, Berlin.

 Active Citizenship through (Non)Citizen Participation. Panel Chair (P009). At: ECPR General Conference, 2018/08/24, Hamburg.

[with: Hijino, Ken] Identity Politics in Okinawan Elections: The Emergence of Regional Populism. At: IPSA/AISP 25th World Congress of Political Science (RC05.03 Local Elections), 2018/07/25, Brisbane/Australia.

When Politics Gets in The Way: Japan, Southeast Asia and the Institutionalization of Borders to Labor Migration. At: IPSA/AISP 25th World Congress of Political Science (RC18.04 International Migration of Health-Care Professionals in the Asia-Pacific Region), 2018/07/23, Brisbane/Australia.

Population Ageing and International Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan. At: The University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, 2018/07/18, Melbourne/Australia.

Health-Care Professionals on the Global Labor Market: A Comparative Study of (Non-)Migration Policies in Japan and Germany. At: Monash University, Japanese Studies Centre, 2018/07/17, Melbourne/Australia.

Policies Designed to Fail: Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan and Germany. At: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, Migration and Mobility Research Network, 2018/07/13, Melbourne/Australia.

Challenging the Nation-State from Within: Okinawan Social Movements and the Constitution of Japan. At: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, 2018/03/22-25, Washington D.C., USA (paper read in absence).

Population Aging and International Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan. At: Waseda University, Graduate School for Asia Pacific Studies (GSAPS), 2018/03/05, Tokyo/Japan.

Internationale Migration von Pflegekräften. Ein japanisch-deutscher Vergleich. At: OAG. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, 2018/02/28, Tokyo/Japan.


日本とドイツ、二つの自由 (Movie screening 『ハトは泣いている』and panel discussion with Sachie Oka and Akiko Okazaki). At: 映画カフェ, Kyūshū University, 2017/11/28, Fukuoka/Japan.

Political Protest from the Periphery: Social Movements and Global Citizenship in Okinawa. At: Future Perspectives for Island Society: Sustainability and Self-Management (International RETI 2017 Symposium, The University of the Ryūkyūs), 2017/11/17-19, Okinawa/Japan.

Challenges to Democratic Governance (Discussant to papers by Philip Manow, Mari Miura, Armin Schäfer, and Masaki Taniguchi). At: The Impact of Humanities and Social Sciences. Discussing Germany and Japan (DFG Symposium), 2017/11/13-15, Tokyo/Japan .

EPA Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan and the TWP Counterpart of Migration to Germany. At: Kyūshū University, 2017/10/30, Fukuoka/Japan.

Policies Designed to Fail: Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan and Germany. At: The University of the Ryūkyūs, 2017/10/23, Okinawa/Japan.

ドイツの若者の政治参加. At: Kyūshū University, 2017/10/17, Fukuoka/Japan.

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Work-Related Diversity and Diversification in Japan. (Discussant to Papers by Steffen Heinrich, Ronald Saladin and Tobias Soeldner, all DIJ), At: European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 15th Conference, 2017/08/30-09/02, Lisbon/Portugal.

Publishing in peer reviewed journals. (Teilnahme an Podiumsdiskussion als Repräsentatin des Social Science Japan Journal), At: European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), 15th Conference, 2017/08/30-09/02, Lisbon/Portugal.

When Politics Gets in the Way: Japan, Southeast Asia and the Institutionalization of Borders to Labor Migration. At: ISA-IDSS/CISS Conference 2017, 2017/06/27-30, Bologna/Italy

Political Protest from the Periphery: Social Movements and Global Citizenship in Okinawa. At: Reforming Democracy and Social Inclusion: Subnational and Supranational Approaches in Japan and Germany (Joint symposium of the University of Hamburg and Kyōto University), 2017/06/08, Hamburg.

Policies Designed to Fail: Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan and Germany. At: Reforming Democracy and Social Inclusion: Subnational and Supranational Approaches in Japan and Germany (Joint symposium of the University of Hamburg and Kyōto University), 2017/06/08, Hamburg.

Health-Caregivers on the Global Labor Market: Lessons to be Learned from Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements. At: Asia - Transition of a World Region (Jubiläumstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde), 2017/05/17, Hamburg.

Von lokal bis global: soziale Bewegungen für Frieden, Menschenrechte und Umweltschutz in Okinawa. At: Politischer Protest und gesellschaftliches Engagement in Japan (Ringvorlesung der Universität Hamburg und der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg), 2017/05/15, Hamburg.

Politischer Protest aus der Peripherie: Soziale Bewegungen und “global citizenship” in Okinawa. At: Freie Universität Berlin, 2017/01/23, Berlin.


報告「市民(権)の基盤:アイデンティティと参加」・The Foundations of Citizenship: Identity and Participation. At: 市民が創る新しい未来・Civic Engagement Towards a New Future, International Symposium, 2016/10/10, Fukuoka/Japan.

Crossing Borders: Japan and Europe in a Globalized World. At: European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS) 2nd Japan Conference, Keynote Lecture, 2016/09/23-25 Kobe/Japan.

Policies Designed to Fail: Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan and Germany. At: How Japan Works: Risks and Opportunities of a Diversifying Labor Market (International Workshop), 2016/07/18-21, Hamburg.

How Japan Works: Risks and Opportunities of a Diversifying Labor Market. (Discussant to Papers by Noriko Fujita and Helena Hof, both Waseda University), International Workshop, 2016/07/18-21, Hamburg.

Health-Caregivers on the Global Labor Market: A Comparative Study of Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements and Germany’s Triple Win Program. At: 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, RC15: Sociology of Health, 2016/07/10-11, Wien/Austria.

Setting Out to Imagine a New Community: Okinawa’s Reversion to Japan. At: AAS-in-ASIA, 2016/06/24-27, Kyoto/Japan.

Policies Designed to Fail: Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan and Germany. At: University of Duisburg-Essen, IN-EAST-GRK 1613 Risk and East Asia, Research Forum, 2016/04/20, Duisburg.

Fluchtpunkt Japan (Participant to a Roundtable w/ Alexander Bassen, Johannes Büchs, Jörg B. Quenzer, Eberhard Schmitz). At: Staatsoper Hamburg, 2016/02/13, Hamburg.


Social Capital in Japan's Aging Society. At: Hertie School of Governance, 2015/12/02, Berlin.

[with: Yamamoto, Raymond] Dancing in the Dark: The (no longer) Hidden Strategies of Japan's Official Development Assistance. At: Globalizing Rivalry? Sino-Japanese Interaction in World Politics. International Workshop at Free University of Berlin, 2015/11/12-13, Berlin.

Images, Frames and Norms in Times of Nation Building: Lessons to be Learned from the Emergence and Failure of the Okinawa Reversion Movement. At: Activism in Contemporary Japan. New Ideas, Players and Arenas? International Conference at University of Zurich, 2015/11/05-07, Zurich/Switzerland.

Japans demografischer Wandel: Sozialkapital als Strategie. At: Wochen der Wissenschaft 2015: Zukunftsstadt and Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft Saarland, 2015/09/29, Saarbrücken.

[with: Heinrich, Steffen] Implikationen der Regierung Abe für die politikwissenschaftliche Japanforschung. At: 16. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Sektion Politik, 2015/08/27, München.

Der Krieg ist noch lange nicht vorbei: Okinawas sicherheitspolitische Bedeutung für Japan. At: Japanisch Intensivkurs, Universität Hamburg, 2015/07/27, Hamburg.

Health-Caregivers on the Global Labor Market: A Comparative Study of Japan’s EPA and Germany’s Triple Win. At: Asian Studies Conference Japan (Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo), 2015/06/20-21 Tokyo/Japan.

Health-Caregivers on the Global Labor Market: A Comparative Study of Japan’s EPA and Germany’s Triple Win. At: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, 2015/03/26-29, Chicago, IL/USA.

Zwischenfazit: Was bringt der Dialog der Perspektiven? Welche Punkte einer Forschungsagenda lassen sich festhalten? (Participant to a Roundtable w/ Eun-Jeung Lee, Susanne Pickel and Holger Zapf). At: Demokratie Jenseits des Westens: Theorien, Diskurse, Einstellungen (DVPW-Tagung), 2015/03/18-20, Hamburg.

Trust, Citizenship and Multiculturalism in Japan. At: Japan’s New Immigrants: Capturing the Changing Ethno-Scape in a Globalizing Society (International Workshop, Waseda University, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies), 2015/02/12-14, Tokyo/Japan.


Global Political and Social Challenges. The Role of Japanese Studies. (Chair to a Roundtable w/ Verena Blechinger-Talcott, Free University Berlin, David Chiavacci, University of Zurich, Patrick Koeller, GIGA Hamburg, and Koichi Nakano, Sophia University, Tokyo). At: Wissenschaftliche Begegnungen Japan – Deutschland (100 Jahre Japanologie Universität Hamburg), 2014/12/13, Hamburg.

The Rock (‘n Roll) of International Relations: Understanding the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute. At: Hamburg Model United Nations, 2014/12/05, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg.

Back in Office: Politics and Policies During the Abe II Government. (Moderation eines Gesprächs mit John C. Campbell, Tokyo University und Kuniaki Nemoto, Waseda University), At: VSJF Annual Meeting, Fachgruppe Politik, 2014/11/22, Berlin.

Trust, Citizenship and Multiculturalism in Japan. At: VSJF Annual Meeting, 2014/11/21, Berlin.

Japans demographischer Wandel. Sozialkapital als Strategie. At: Handlungsauftrag Demographie (Veranstaltungsreihe der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.), 2014/10/30, Hamburg.

Changes in Work Life. (Moderation eines Gesprächs mit Bundesministerin Andrea Nahles, BMAS), At: 9th German-Japanese Young Leaders' Forum 2014 and YLF 06-13 Alumni Meeting, German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 2014/08/29, Berlin.

Toward a Sustainable Future of Work. At: 9th German-Japanese Young Leaders' Forum 2014 and YLF 06-13 Alumni Meeting, German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 2014/08/29, Berlin.

Japans aktive Alte: zwischen Arbeitsmarkt und Zivilgesellschaft. At: Japanisch Intensivkurs, Universität Hamburg, 2014/07/23, Hamburg.


The Global Migration Carousel and its Implications for Labor and Business: An Asian Perspective. At: IDE-JETRO (Institute for Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization) Special Guest Seminar, 2013/12/17, Tokyo/Japan.

Health-Caregivers on the Global Labor Market: A Comparative Study of Japan’s EPA and Germany’s Triple Win. At: Hito no idō to chiiki tōgō. Kōdō jinzai kakutoku ni muketa EU no chiiki senryaku – Ajia/Nihon he no shisa (International Symposium, Sophia University), 2013/12/13-14, Tokyo/Japan.

Japan unter Abe: Reform oder Rückschritt? (Moderation eines Gesprächs mit Jun Iio, GRIPS), KörberForum, 2013/11/28, Hamburg.

Finding a Fitting Frame: The (Re)Presentations of Migrant Health-Caregivers in Japan. At: Inaugural EAJS Conference in Japan, 2013/09/28-29, Kyoto/Japan.

The Political Demography of Japan's Eldercare. At: XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, Asia-Pacific Region Special Session, 2013/08/26-31, Busan/Korea.

日本の移民法律と政策。その政治。At: 中央大学法科学院(国際セミナー), Chūō University Law School, 2013/08/06-10, Tokyo/Japan.

日本の移民法律と政策。その経済。At: 中央大学法科学院(国際セミナー), Chūō University Law School, 2013/08/06-10, Tokyo/Japan.

日本の移民法律と政策。その社会。At: 中央大学法科学院(国際セミナー), Chūō University Law School, 2013/08/06-10, Tokyo/Japan.

Japan und sein Umgang mit dem demografischen Wandel. At: Kongress Jungbrunnen Stadt (Stiftung Lebendige Stadt), EUREF-Campus, 2013/06/10-12, Berlin.

Fishing for Careers – Lebenschancen durch Bildung (Teilnahme an Podiumsdiskussion als Repräsentatin der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), Universität Hamburg Career Center und Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Hamburg e.V., 2013/05/30, Hamburg.

When the Leading Goose Gets Lost: Japan’s Demographic Change and the Non-Reform of its Migration Policy. At: Aging and Migration in 21st Century Asia: Issues in Intimate and Public Spheres (International Symposium, The University of the Philippines Asian Center), 2013/02/28-2013/03/01, Manila/Philippines.

Transnationale Migration. Erfahrungsbericht aus Leben und Forschung. At: Study Japan! Fair 2013, Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin, 2013/01/18, Berlin.


“Wherever I lay my hat, that’s my home” – Or isn’t it? Some Experiences from Multi-Cultural Germany. At: Toward Harmonious Multicultural Societies: Possibility of ‘Interculturalism’ (International Symposium, Aoyama Gakuin University Joint Research Institute for International Peace and Culture), 2012/12/09, Tokyo/Japan.

People on the Move: Labor Migration from Southeast Asian Nations to Japan. At: VSJF Annual Meeting, Fachgruppe Politik, 2012/11/24, Weingarten.

Imagining a New Community. Okinawa’s Reversion to Japan. At: 40 Years since Reversion. Negotiating the Okinawan Difference in Japan Today (International Symposium, University of Vienna), 2012/11/01-03, Vienna/Austria.

Okinawa und die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Hatoyama-Administration (Präsentation mit Anna Wiemann). At: 15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Sektion Politik, 2012/08/28-30, Zurich/Switzerland.

Constructing Politics in Okinawa. Culture, Memory and Identity. At: Remembering 40 Years Since Reversion: Okinawan Studies Until Now, Okinawan Studies From Now On (International Symposium, Waseda University), 2012/03/29-31, Tokyo/Japan.

“Wutbürger” – Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement und Protest in Japan. At: Gesellschaftsmodelle auf dem Prüfstand: Japan und Deutschland im 21. Jahrhundert (Offener Hörsaal, Freie Universität Berlin), 2012/01/09, Berlin.


Highly Skilled Migration to Japan and Germany: Current Models and Future Outlooks. At: International Migration of Highly Skilled Workers to Japan and Germany. Current Models and Future Outlooks (chair to the colcuding roundtable with Jacqueline Andall, University of Bath, David Chiavacci, University of Zürich, Gracia Liu-Farrer and Glenda S. Roberts [both Waseda University] and Dietrich Thränhardt, University of Münster), 2011/12/15-16, Hamburg.

Introductory Remarks. At: International Migration of Highly Skilled Workers to Japan and Germany. Current Models and Future Outlooks (International Symposium, University of Hamburg), 2011/12/15-16, Hamburg.

Introduction. At: Nach der Katastrophe zurück zur „Normalität“? Mehr Bürgerbeteiligung für ein nachhaltiges, sicheres und umweltfreundliches Japan (Internationales Symposium, 20 Jahre Japanisch-Deutscher Stadtteildialog, Universität Hamburg), 2011/11/18-19, Hamburg.

Der Mythos des Ryūkyū-Pazifismus. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Annäherung. At: Okinawa – das „andere Japan“? (Workshop, University of Vienna), 2011/11/10-12, Vienna/Austria.

Osaka – Hamburg – Konvergenz und Divergenz von Stadtteilentwicklung und Stadterneuerung in zwei Seehafenstädten (Moderation einer Podiumsdiskussion mit Saori Kido, Masafumi Kitamura, Tomohiro Takanashi [alle Osaka City University], Dirk Schubert, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, und Kurt Reincken, STEG), HafenCity Universität Hamburg, 2011/11/01, Hamburg.

Das Land der Alten Menschen – Japans demographischer Wandel und die Folgen für Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. At: Japan 2011 – ein verändertes Land. Einblicke und Ausblicke nach der Dreifachkatastrophe (Presseseminar der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), 2011/10/11-12, Berlin.

Brüchiger „Atomkonsens“ in Japan? Politische und gesellschaftliche Dimensionen (Teilnahme an Podiumsdiskussion mit Patrick Koellner, GIGA), GIGA Forum, 2011/06/29, Hamburg.

Ethnicity and Gender in Japan’s Health Care Business. At: Comparing ‘Late-Comer’ Immigrantion Countries: Japan and Italy (International Symposium, University of Oxford, Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies), 2011/06/04, Oxford/UK.

Abschlussdiskussion: Die Zukunft der Wissensgesellschaften und die Wissenschaft. (Co-Moderation [mit Jörg Quenzer] einer Podiumsdiskussion mit Keiichi Aizawa, Tsukuba Universität, Kaori Hayashi, Tokyo Universität, Jens Herder, FH Düsseldorf und Michiko Mae, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf), Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg 2011/04/12-14, Hamburg.

Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. At: Auftaktveranstaltung der HRK Japan-Wochen (Moderation einer Podiumsdiskussion mit Gesine Foljanty-Jost, Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Shigeyuki Jo, Autor, Michiko Mae, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf und Uta Meier-Gräwert, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen), Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg 2011/04/12-14, Hamburg.

Mind the Gap! Japan’s Migration Policy in Health-Caregiving. At: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, 2011/03/31-2011/04/03, Honolulu, HI/USA (paper read in absence).

Continuity and Discontinuity in Socio-Economic Policies in Japan: From the LDP to the DPJ (Discussant to Papers by Glenda Roberts, Waseda, and Akira Kurimoto, Consumer Co-operative Institute of Japan), University of Sheffield, 2011/03/04, Sheffield/UK.

Zuwanderung nach Japan: Kontroverse Stimmen aus Politik und Wirtschaft. At: Japanisch Intensivkurs, Universität Hamburg, 2011/02/15, Hamburg.

Karate und Cosplay, Sushi und Sakura (Präsentation mit Phoebe S. Holdgrün). At: Was wie wofür studieren?, Universität Hamburg, 2011/01/18, Hamburg.


Interkulturelle Kompetenz in Pflegeberufen: Zukunftsperspektiven im internationalen Vergleich. At: Interkulturelle Kompetenz in Pflegeberufen: Zukunftsperspektiven im internationalen Vergleich (Panelist, concluding roundtable), 2010/12/15, Hamburg.

International Caregiver Migration in (East) Asia. At: Interkulturelle Kompetenz in Pflegeberufen: Zukunftsperspektiven im internationalen Vergleich (International Workshop, University of Hamburg), 2010/12/15, Hamburg.

Introduction. At: Zuwanderung nach Japan. Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, politischer Diskurs und sozioökonomische Integration (Student Workshop, University of Hamburg), 2010/11/12, Hamburg.

Helping Hands in Kaigo? International Caregivers in Japan. At: Healthcare to the Elderly (Workshop, Free University of Berlin), 2010/04/30, Berlin.

Die letzte Japanerin: Vom Altern und Schrumpfen einer Nation. At: Japanisch Intensivkurs, Universität Hamburg, 2010/02/18, Hamburg.


The Culture of Migration Politics in Japan. At: Japan: Descending Giant? (International Symposium, The University of Adelaide), 2009/11/23-24, Adelaide/Australia (paper read in absence).

Grenzenloses Forschen: Migration in Asien. At: Nacht des Wissens, Universität Hamburg, 2009/11/07, Hamburg.

Migration und Integration in Japan. Zur Reform des Bürgerbegriffs in den Kommunen. At: 20 Jahre Städte- und Universitätspartnerschaft Osaka – Hamburg (Internationales Symposium, Universität Hamburg), 2009/10/26, Hamburg.

Bürger ohne Rechte? Zur soziopolitischen Partizipation von Japans Zuwanderern. At: 14. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Sektion Politik, 2009/09/29-2009/10/02, Halle an der Saale.

An Invisible Policy Shift: International Health-Care Migration to Japan. At: American Political Science Association, 2009/09/03-06, Toronto/Canada (paper read in absence).

Demographischer Wandel. At: Japanisch Intensivkurs, Universität Hamburg, 2009/08/06, Hamburg.

Labor Migration to Japan: How Demographic Change Triggers a Policy Reform. At: 13th Asian Studies Conference Japan (Sophia University, Tokyo), 2009/06/20-21, Tokyo/Japan (paper read in absence).

Ausländer in Japan. At: open Uni, Universität Hamburg, 2009/06/13, Hamburg.

Doors Cracking Open? International Caregiver Migration to Japan. At: Imploding Populations – Global and Local Challenges of Demographic Change (International Symposium, German Institute for Japanese Studies, DIJ), 2009/06/02-04, Tokyo/Japan.

Who Cares? Emergent Modes of Governance of Migration Policy in Japan. At: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, 2009/03/26-29, Chicago, IL/USA (paper read in absence).

Same old, same new? On the Framework of Japan’s Migration Policy. At: The Philippines and Japan in East Asia and the World: Interests, Identity and Roles (International Symposium, The University of the Philippines Asian Center), 2009/03/19-20, Manila/Philippines (paper read in absence).

Introduction. At: International Migration in Global Governance: A Japanese Perspective (International Workshop, Social Science Study Group, German Institute for Japanese Studies, DIJ), 2009/01/20, Tokyo/Japan.


Der kleine Unterschied: Geschlecht und Ethnizität in der Altenpflege. At: VSJF Annual Meeting, Gender-Workshop, 2008/11/28, Düsseldorf.

政治経済の危機。社会的排除を超えて。(Discussant to papers by Andrew DeWit, Rikkyō University, Hiroko Takeda, Sheffield University and Naoko Soma, Yokohama National University), 立教大学国際シンポジウム, 2008/11/14, Tokyo/Japan.

Families, Finances and Engery. At: Getting Beyond Social Exclusion (Discussant to Papers by Andrew DeWit, Rikkyō University, Hiroko Takeda, Sheffield University and Yuko Yamazaki, Tokyo University), 2008/11/14, Tokyo/Japan.

The Political Economy of Care-Migration. At: Getting Beyond Social Exclusion (International Workshop, Rikkyō University), 2008/11/14, Tokyo/Japan.

Nurses without Borders in Graying Japan. At: Demographic Aspects of Migration (International Symposium, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie, Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge), 2008/10/09, Nürnberg.

Pfleger ohne Grenzen? Demographischer Wandel und Internationale Migration nach Japan. At: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2008/05/09, Berlin.

Weniger Japaner, Mehr Ausländer? At: Exzellenzcluster Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration, Universität Konstanz, 2008/05/06, Konstanz.

Beyond Borders: Foreign Care-Givers in Japan. At: Socio-political and Business Aspects of Care in an Era of Demographic Change (International Workshop, FINPRO, Tohoku Fukushi University, German Institute for Japanese Studies), 2008/03/07, Sendai/Japan.


Ausländer, Inländer, Zwischenländer: Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland und Japan. At: Sophia Universität, Fakultät für ausländische Studien, Abteilung für deutsche Sprache und Studien (Guest Lecture), 2007/12/06, Tokyo/Japan.

Political Aspects of Demographic Change. At: The Silver Market Phenomenon: Business Opportunities and Responsibilities in an Era of Demographic Change (International Workshop, German Institute for Japanese Studies), 2007/11/29, Tokyo/Japan.

Issues of (In)Security in Japan’s Migration Policy. At: VSJF Annual Meeting, 2007/11/25, Berlin.

Introduction. At: Migration and Integration – Japan in Comparative Perspective. 移住と統合。日本と他国の比較について。(International Symposium, German Institute for Japanese Studies and Waseda University Graduate School for Asia Pacific Studies), 2009/10/23-24, Tokyo/Japan.

地方分権の可能性とリスク。日独比較研究。(Discussant to a paper by Minoru Tsubogo, Waseda University), 早稲田大学国際シンポジウム, 2007/09/28, Tokyo/Japan.

Labor Migration to Japan: Legal Loopholes under Revision. At: European Consortium for Political Research, General Conference, 2007/09/06, Pisa/Italy.

Guest Workers to Japan? Issues of Migration and Integration. At: Young Leaders Forum 2007, Summer School Robert Bosch Stiftung und Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin (JDZB), 2007/08/29, Tokyo/Japan.

Migration und Integration. Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich. At: Freundeskreis Deutscher Sprache, 2007/04/17, Tokyo/Japan.

Demographic Change and Labor Migration to Japan. At: Cornell University, East Asia Program, Lecture Series, 2007/03/27, Ithaca, NY/USA.

Closed Doors, Open Doors, Doors Wide Shut? Migration Politics in Japan. At: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, 2007/03/22-25, Boston, MA/USA.


Designing toward the Ordering of Political Society in a Multi-cultural and Pluri-generational World. (Discussant to Papers by Rieko Kage, Kobe University, Robert Pekkanen, Washington University and Kim Reimann, Emory University), International Symposium, Keiō University, 2006/11/25, Tokyo/Japan.

A Women’s World? Social Movement in Okinawa. At: 5th International Conference on Okinawan Studies, University of Venice, 2006/09/14, Venice/Italy.

Facing the Challenge of Immigration? The State, Civil Society and Structures of Interdependence. At: International Political Science Association, 20th World Congress, 2006/07/09, Fukuoka/Japan.

Do you speak Japanese? Revisions on Immigration Policy. At: Cultural Typhoon 2006, International Symposium, Shimokitazawa Seitoku High School, 2006/07/01, Tokyo/Japan.

Vom Zauber der Transnationalisierung. At: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Guest Lecture), 2006/04/26, Düsseldorf.

Arbeitsmigration nach Japan: Schlaglichter aus dem aktuellen politischen Diskurs. At: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Guest Lecture), 2006/04/26, Düsseldorf.


A Peaceful Heart? The Contemporary Use of the Myth of Ryūkyūan Pacifism. At: European Association for Japanese Studies, 11th Conference, University of Vienna, 2005/08/31-2005/09/03, Vienna/Austria.

How Do Movements Get Things Moving? Methods of Environmental Activism in Japan. At: 9th Asian Studies Conference Japan (Sophia University, Tokyo), 2005/06/19, Tokyo/Japan.

Ein Heliport für Henoko? Geschichte und Gegenwart eines politischen Konflikts. At: OAG Vortragsreihe (Guest Lecture), 2005/04/20, Tokyo/Japan.


政治論争とアイデンティティ。沖縄の1990 年代後半. At: 沖縄のアイデンティティ(法政大学国際日本学研究所), Hōsei University, 2004/03, Tokyo/Japan.


Japan’s Green Networks: From NIMBY to NIABY? At: VSJF Annual Meeting, Workshop for Junior Researchers, 2003/11/19-20, München.

The Green Party between Government Responsibilities and Social Movements: The Issue of War and Peace. At: Flower Power? The German Green Party Turns Twenty. Revisiting Environmental Politics in the 21st Century (German Studies DAAD Weekend, Cornell University), 2003/09/20-21, Ithaca, NY/USA.

The Renaissance of the Okinawan Peace Movement. At: Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, 2003/03/27-30, New York, NY/USA.


Cultural Identity as Pillar of Political Opposition: Okinawa’s Role in Japan (1995–2000). At: Culture and International History II (International Symposium, University of Halle-Wittenberg), 2002/12/19-21, Lutherstadt Wittenberg.

Hinomaru in Okinawa: Politische Interessenkonflikte um eine regionale kulturelle Identität. At: 12. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, 2002/09/30-2002/10/02, Bonn.

Nonstate Actors in Japan: New Means of Political Participation. At: Discourses on Political Reform and Democratization in East and Southeast Asia in the Light of New Processes of Regional Community-Building (International Symposium, University of Duisburg), 2002/05/24, Duisburg.


Japans Sicherheitspolitik “made in Okinawa”: Interessen, Identitäten und Interdependenzen. At: VSJF Annual Meeting, Fachgruppe Politik, 2001/12/15, Berlin.

Okinawa – Stützpfeiler des pazifischen Sicherheitssystems. At: Regionale Konvergenz in Asien: Die Dynamik von Interessen und Identitäten im asiatischen Raum (3. Brühler Tagung junger Ostasien-Experten), 2001/05/07-09, Brühl.


Direkte Demokratie in Japan. At: Ludwig-Maximilians-University München, Interdisciplinary Colloquium for PhD Candidates, 2000/12/06, München.

The Dark Side of “Burden-Sharing”: Okinawa and the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. At: German Institute for Japanese Studies, Social Science Study Group Workshop, 2000/01/28, Tokyo/Japan.


Okinawa – Stützpfeiler des pazifischen Sicherheitssystems? At: 11. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Sektion Politik, 1999/09/15-18, Trier.


Die Rolle Okinawas im Japan der Nachkriegszeit. At: 27. Deutscher Orientalistentag, 1998/09/28-1998/10/02, Bonn.