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Kolloquium/Vortragsreihe zu aktuellen Themen im Wintersemester 2020/21

Towards a Culture of Responsibility – Relating Fukushima, Chernobyl, and the Atomic Bombings in Setoyama Misaki’s Theatre

28.01.2021 18:15 Uhr – 19:45 Uhr

This presentation examines the potential of theatre to shape cultural memory and raise critical awareness through a close reading of two post-Fukushima plays by Setoyama Misaki. The playwright-director is known for exploring contentious issues in Japanese society based on in-depth interviews conducted with the people concerned. Among the various art works addressing the Fukushima nuclear disaster her plays are rare in exposing how intricately the roles of victim and perpetrator are entangled. Setoyama’s plays raise the question of responsibility so crucial to processing cultural trauma and to trigger traumatogenic change. Relating the Fukushima nuclear disaster to the atomic bombings and the Chernobyl disaster, Setoyama opposes national discourses of a spatially and temporally limited disaster to construct 3.11 as a disaster on a global scale. Almost ten years after the calamity, a broad public debate to attribute responsibility for the nuclear disaster has not yet begun. And with the shift of national attention to the Tokyo Olympics and the global Corona pandemic a rare window of opportunity for transformation in Japanese society is closed. Setoyama’s plays go far beyond the criticism of nuclear power and touch upon essential issues in Japanese society, as my analysis will show.

Barbara Geilhorn ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Deutschen Institut für Japanstudien Tokyo. Zuvor forschte sie als JSPS Postdoc an der Waseda Universität und lehrte an der Universität Manchester, der Freien Universität Berlin und der Universität Trier. Im WS 2020/21 hat sie eine Vertretungsprofessur am Institut für Modernes Japan der HHU Düsseldorf inne. Ihr Interesse gilt kulturellen Repräsentationen der Dreifachkatastrophe von Fukushima, der Umsetzung gesellschaftspolitischer Themen im japanischen Gegenwartstheater sowie Verhandlungen von Geschlecht und Macht in der klassischen japanischen Kultur. Ihr jüngstes Projekt untersucht wie Theater- und Kulturschaffende den sozialen Herausforderungen im ländlichen Raum begegnen. Neuere Publikationen:  'Fukushima and the Arts – Negotiating Nuclear Disaster' (Hg. mit Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, Routledge 2017) und 'A Multifaceted Fukushima—Trauma and Memory in Ōnobu Pelican’s Kiruannya and U-ko.' The Asia Pacific Journal (2019): 17, 1, 1.