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Japan’s Foreign Assistance: From Economic Cooperation to Miliary Capacity Building

Prof. Dr. Raymond Yamamoto, Aarhus University

28.06.2024 14:30 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr

After the Second World War, Japan adopted Article 9 in its constitution, which renounced using force in its foreign policy. The use of the military was strictly limited to Japan’s self-defence. Consequently, the country’s foreign assistance became the most important foreign policy tool for restoring relations with neighbouring countries in Asia, on which Japan had inflicted enormous suffering and damage during the war.

Most recently, foreign assistance has become an increasingly significant instrument contributing to Japan’s national security, reflecting fundamental changes in the political system and Japan’s security environment. This presentation will provide a general overview of Japan’s foreign assistance and discuss its recent securitisation from different theoretical perspectives.

Location: LMU Japan-Center, Oettingenstraße 67, Room U151